
Silver Strand Optometry offers innovative technology by Envision which allows us to perform two types of therapy: Radio Frequency (RF) and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). IPL and RF have been used for 25-35 years respectively, and (like cell phones) has evolved significantly during that time to provide unprecedented therapy to the delicate tissues around your eyes.

One of the many diagnoses RF and IPL can treat is dry eye. Dr. Castillo sees so many patients with dry eye that she felt like she would be doing a disservice to you to not invest in this technology. The goal with RF and IPL is to get you creating your own good quality tear film and off of using dry eye drops and/or hot compress/lid scrubs all together. RF and IPL is more effective than even some of the prescription drops on the market for dry eye. For example. Restasis only has an efficacy of 15%, so low that it is not even approved for use in many countries. Whereas RF and IPL have an efficacy of 85%! Here are more details about each individual therapy:

RF is exclusive to Envision technology and can be used to treat:

  • Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is a type of dry eye. You know you have MGD if I have recommended that you use hot compress and lid cleansers at home, and possibly also recommended you come to the office for gland expressions. MGD causes the glands that secrete your tear film to die off. The treatments available until this point help to slow down this process. RF can actually help regrow the lost glands. After just four treatments it negates the need to use hot compresses, lid cleansers, and to come in to the office for gland expressions.

  • Wrinkles around the eyes. RF stimulates the growth of collagen and tightens the skin!

  • RF can also be used to treat droopy eyelids. Here is a before and after:

  • Chalazions are bumps that can develop after a person has a stye. Until now the only treatment options for Chalazions have been surgical excision if hot compresses were ineffective. RF is a non-surgical alternative to breaking up the Chalazion. Here is a before and after:

IPL has been around for a few years and is not Envision specific. It can be used to treat:

  • Inflammatory Dry Eye. You know if your dry eye has an inflammatory component if you are using Pure&Clean, Restasis, Tyrvaya, or Xiidra. IPL can be more effective than any of the treatments listed above.

  • Demodex are parasites which can live in the base of your eyelash follicles. You will know if you have an infestation of Demodex if I have told you that you have parasites living at the base of your eyelashes. Until now the only treatments have been hot compress and lid cleansers to control the population of the parasites, as well as a medication that was FDA approved at the end of July. RF is now another treatment option.

  • Rosacea and spots on the skin can also be treated with IPL. Here is a before and after:

If you are interested in either of these treatments, please feel free to call our office at 805-486-3585 to schedule a free consultation. Dr. Castillo would be happy to review if you're a candidate and how Envision can benefit you.


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